Unlocks Fire Grease, Drawstring Fire Grease, and Fireproof Dried Liver. 1 - On a corpse in the Kaiden Sellsword camp southwest of the Murkwater Coast Site of Grace in Limgrave.24 - On a corpse near a cliff just west of the Palace Approach Ledge-Road Site of Grace near Mohgwyn Palace.Unlocks Frozen Raisin, Clarifying Cured Meat, and Clarifying White Cured Meat. 23 - On a corpse to the side of the road north of the Consecrated Snowfield Site of Grace.Unlocks Rot Pot, Rot Grease, and Drawstring Rot Grease. 22 - In a chest on the west side of the bog just north of the Grand Cloister Site of Grace in the Lake of Rot.21 - On a corpse sitting at the end of the hallway of the jail cells near the Volcano Manor Site of Grace.Unlocks Volcano Pot and Roped Volcano Pot. Gelmir Campsite Site of Grace for 3,000 Runes. 20 - Purchased from Nomadic Merchant found by climbing the ladders northwest of the First Mt.19 - On the ground in the small western building of the Woodfolk Ruins in Altus Plateau.Unlocks Dappled Cured Meat and Dappled White Cured Meat. 18 - Purchased from the same Abandoned Merchant as Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook for 6,000 Runes.Unlocks Soap, Oil Pot, and Roped Oil Pot.
17 - Purchased from Abandoned Merchant in the chamber behind the waterfall near the Worshipper's Woods Site of Grace in Siofra River for 1,000 Runes. Unlocks Thawfrost Boluses and Stimulating Boluses. 16 - Purchased from Hermit Merchant in the temple just east of the Ainsel River Downstream Site of Grace for 2,500 Runes. Related: Elden Ring: How To Get The Mushroom Armor Set Unlocks Rotbone Arrow, Rotbone Arrow (Fletched), and Rotbone Bolt.
15 - Purchased from Nomadic Merchant at the triangular intersection of the southernmost roads in Caelid for 4,000 Runes. Unlocks Poison Pot, Roped Poison Pot, and Poisonbone Dart. 14 - On the corpse near the Smoldering Church Site of Grace in Caelid. Unlocks Bone Great Arrow, Bone Great Arrow (Fletched), and Bone Ballista Bolt. 13 - Purchased from Nomadic Merchant under the stone-arch on the other side of the river from the Ravine Site of Grace in Liurnia of the Lakes for 2,000 Runes. 12 - On a corpse found near the southern wall of Rose Church in Liurnia of the Lakes. Unlocks Crystal Dart, Spellproof Dried Liver, and Shattershard Arrow. 11 - Purchased from Nomadic Merchant near the Liurnia Lake Shore Site of Grace for 1,500 Runes. 10 - On a corpse that can be found by crossing the rooftops east of the Rampart Tower Site of Grace in Stormveil Castle. 9 - On a corpse inside the Tombsward Catacombs in the room blocked by fog, which requires a Stonesword Key to open. Unlocks Poison Grease and Drawstring Poison Grease. 8 - On a corpse inside the Tombsward Cave that can be found by following the left paths until hitting a dead end. Unlocks Soft Cotton, Stanching Boluses, and Rainbow Stone Arrow. 7 - On a corpse sitting at the end of the collapsed bridge north of the path to Stormveil Castle. Unlocks Blood Grease, Drawstring Blood Grease, Bloodbone Arrow, Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched), and Bloodbone Bolt. 6 - On a corpse in the room at the top of the stairs at the entrance of Fort Haight. 5 - Purchased from Nomadic Merchant near the path directly south of the Minor Erdtree in Mistwood for 1,500 Runes. 4 - On a corpse to the side of the path just west of the Sofria River Well in the south of Mistwood. Unlocks Pickled Turtle Neck, Poisonbone Arrow, Poisonbone Arrow (Fletched), and Poisonbone Bolt. 3 - Purchased from Nomadic Merchant just across the bridge west of the Saintsbridge Site of Grace in North Limgrave for 600 Runes. Unlocks Glowstone, Invigorating Cured Meat, and Invigorating White Cured Meat
2 - Purchased from Merchant Kalé for 500 Runes.Unlocks Bone Arrow, Bone Arrow (Fletched), and Bone Bolt. 1 - Purchased from Merchant Kalé for 500 Runes.