(Not everyone is receptive to attempts at flirtation, and flirting attempts can easily backfire, so tread lightly!) Spend enough time kindling that romantic interest, and you may be able to spend more time socializing with them outside the office in a variety of venues. When socializing with other adults, you have the option to flirt and potentially explore romantic interest. There's lots of new features and gameplay systems bundled in the new story events, and this is normally the part of the announce post where we'd detail them at length.but we'd prefer not to spoil them and let you discover those moments along the way during your time with the game's story mode. (Not all endings are necessarily good! If you want to have a career that lasts longer than the events of the story, keep that in mind when making important decisions that could affect your career and the future of your group.)

Most of your advancement through the story will be based on the tasks system that was introduced in September's update. "Story mode" is the version of Idol Manager that has been our goal from the start: you'll progress through several "chapters" by completing various criteria, and along the way you'll make choices that will lead to one of a variety of possible endings. To play in story mode, select "story mode" from the main menu to start a new game. (As with previous builds, the "new game" menu has settings that give you the option to skip things like the intro dialog, policies dialog, and so on.) Any save files you have from previous beta versions will exist in "free play" mode. The "free play" mode functions the same as previous beta builds have acted - the only story events included are the early events with Fujimoto and Rival. The game's story is finally here! When starting a new game, you have the option to play in "story mode" or "free play."
#Idol manager endings update#
This is by far the biggest update we've made for Idol Manager, adding the biggest and perhaps most important feature in Idol Manager: the main story! We hope you enjoy it and drop by the beta forums to let us know what you think! Features (If you're a Kickstarter backer and never got your access key, now would be a great time to contact us and get that sorted out!)
#Idol manager endings download#
It's finally here: Idol Manager's new beta build is live and available for download via the game's itch.io page.

Idol Manager beta update #20: The story update