Najarala pitfall trap
Najarala pitfall trap

  • (15) This case illustrates the pitfalls in diagnosis of a chronic polyarthritis that has, as a typical feature, a long latency before manifesting its more specific signs and symptoms (ie, diarrhea, malabsorption, and hyperpigmentation).
  • najarala pitfall trap

    (14) Rational use of rigid fixation in hand surgery requires awareness of the advantages as well as the potential pitfalls of this relatively complex method of fracture management.(13) To avoid the pitfalls of misdiagnosis and mismanagement, the nature of Crohn's disease should be understood and the gynecologic aspects of the disease recognized.(12) Based on the pitfalls of the past the development of pancreatic resection therapy is outlined, starting with the first distal pancreatic resection in 1882 performed by Trendelenburg.(11) In addition, we illustrate several pitfalls encountered in membrane studies which exploit lipid-requiring organisms.(10) Similarly, many pitfalls may be circumvented by the simple expedient of close collaboration between urologist and radiologist, and by the reluctance of either to accept urography that is suboptimal by current standards.(9) Subsequent culture is desirable but not always possible.A simple scheme for identifying fungi and fungus-like organisms is presented based on general morphology, staining, and other special characteristics with notes on types of tissue reactions and common pitfalls.(8) A discussion is given of the advantages, disadvantages, and pitfalls of computerized tomography of the masticator space.(7) Diagnostic information derived from PA catheters should be related to the clinical condition and shortcomings and pitfalls of data clearly understood.(6) If the scientific community does not take steps to avoid such pitfalls in developmental screening, it invites those who make health care decisions to eliminate such screening or to mandate procedures which may not be scientifically sound.(5) Diagnostic pitfalls can generally be avoided by insisting on the opportunity for clinical-radiologic-pathologic correlation ("triangulation") before a final diagnosis is made.(4) We describe an instrument designed specifically to avoid the pitfalls of intraoperative chest tube placement.(3) This article examines AIDS- and HIV-related concerns in women with a focus on the personal dilemmas for the practicing psychologist, problems in health behavior advocacy, and methods and pitfalls in modifying sexual behaviors.

    najarala pitfall trap

    (2) Pitfalls which may lead to overinterpretation are discussed.(1) Respiratory alteration in the intensity of heart sounds is one of the commonest auscultatory pitfalls.

    najarala pitfall trap

  • (n.) A pit deceitfully covered to entrap wild beasts or men a trap of any kind.

  • Najarala pitfall trap